Friday, September 27, 2024

Diagnosing Trump

Just as a person who appreciates Freudian analysis, I have to notice how often Donald Trump tells anecdotes where people refer to him as ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr. President’. I’m sure he does get addressed as these things often, especially since he has set the precedent that he likes it that way, but it is hard to ignore the way he savors those terms as he recounts these (maybe true, maybe not) anecdotes. It’s noteworthy. He is what us professionals refer to as ‘an obviously fucked up guy’. If you haven’t noticed what I’m talking about yet, just keep an ear out whenever he’s in the zone telling stories. You’ll hear it.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Your Story Tells Itself

I used to think outliving others and overachieving would make me the winner, because I would be the one who got to tell the authorized story at the end. Now I realize there is no winning or losing, and if you live authentically and in good faith, your story tells itself.

Friday, August 16, 2024


It’s hard to tell from this photo—if you look close you can kind of see it—but the end of a rainbow just appeared in the cul de sac on my street here in Eastgate. I didn’t see a pot of gold or anything, but I have to take it as a sign that my people aren’t forsaken, and may actually be chosen in some kind of way.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

You Have To Believe In Something Bigger Than Yourself

I am generally unbothered by a person’s religious beliefs or political orientation. One thing I absolutely cannot tolerate, however, is an out of towner criticizing Skyline Chili. Some things are just sacred.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Majestic Bean Soup

We won’t know for sure for a few hours, but for now, gaze across the majestic surface of what may be my best soup of all time. The broth is already delicious and the beans havent fully cooked and the chicken breasts in the pot haven’t fully absorbed the juice and been shredded yet. This is going to be a good one.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Core Principals

When I water the begonia Langston got me for my office, I always try to sprinkle water on the leaves and petals after I water the soil. This is because I believe there is a sensual aspect to life that must be honored. We don’t eat just for the nutrients, we don’t talk just to convey information, we don’t make love just to reproduce. The senses are worthy of stimulation, and even plants should be allowed to have a good time.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

We are History

It is both intimidating and humbling to realize the we are the first historical figure our children will do a deep analysis and study of. They will fully understand our worldview, our ethics, our politics...our entire overall philosophy of life, but also be able to balance what we say we believe with what our actions—and their experience of those actions—reveal about what we actually believe. Our children are the foremost scholars of our lives and works, and although they may not write their findings in an actual book, how we interacted with their world is imprinted on every page of their lives.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Different Strokes

I had a little bit of a stroke after midnight on Thursday. I am ok, my face is still a little funny, my battery isn’t charging fully yet, and I have to wear a heart monitor for a month, but I’m glad it happened, and Thursday was a great day for me. I told the boys I was having a stroke and I called 911. Then I told them I loved them and if anything happened to me they should take good care of each other. I texted the woman I love to let her know what was going on, texted the boys’ mom so she would know what was happening and that the boys were safe, and then I texted my boss so he knew I wouldn’t be in to work, and let him know either I or one of my sons would keep him posted. Then I went outside and sat on the front steps of my porch and waited for the ambulance. I felt calm, and wasn’t afraid. I knew the boys would be fine and take care of each other if the worst happened, and I knew there wasn’t anything I needed to say to anyone. I am far from a saint but I try to live right, and I think the way I felt at that moment validated my general approach to life.All of the boys stayed cool. I taught them to be that way. Eliot stayed with Langston, and Lewis rode with me to the hospital and stayed with me through the night. I spent the next day surrounded by people I love and getting messages from people I love. The mood was light and joyous, and I was glad I had cut out a bunch of bad habits a few years before, because God knows it could have been worse had I not. There is nothing wrong or regrettable about having a real experience. They are actually ALL real experiences really. I am happy to be here while I am, and I definitely learned a couple things. I am saving the most important photo from that day for a different occasion, but here are some other pics. The stuffed hedgehog is something Langston bought from the hospital gift shop for me. I named him Strokey.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Upward Pull of the Human Soul

Tonight, the clouds over Eastgate look like pictures I have seen of towns in Japan at the base of Mount Fuji. If I could find the base of this mountain, I feel like if I climbed to the top I might find God. Maybe he would tell me some deep truth, or maybe he would make me fight him. But these are just clouds. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to grow up with Mount Fuji dominating the horizon. The way it must inform the psychosphere of the people, and contribute to their mythology and outlook on life has to be incredible.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Saturday, June 1, 2024


I think grapes have to be the best fruit. Taste wise, it probably goes to watermelon or pineapple, but they lose some points because of portability and the need to carve them. Grapes are delicious, don’t need to be carved, and are easy to carry around. They win.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Always Take Time to Notice the Nice Things

Since it is summer break, the boys were asleep when I left the house for work this morning. As I turned on my car and began to back out of the driveway, my youngest son called me. He wanted to see if I had left yet. I told him I hadn’t, so he ran out to give me a hug and waved at me as I drove off. These little moments are some of my favorites.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Where It All Started

I can pinpoint the exact moment the idea of me being a father occurred to me for the first time. It happened when I was watching a preview copy of Grosse Pointe Blank after midnight when I was an usher at Showcase Cinemas Eastgate (R.I.P.) in 1997. Aside from being a classic all around, my kids can probably thank John Cusack and this particular scene on some level for their very existence.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Pure Terror

I meant to hit the Google icon on my phone’s Home page, but accidentally hit the Bing icon instead. I audibly gasped and my co-workers turned and looked at me with concern. I have never hit the back arrow on my screen so fast in my life.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A List of Things That Are Currently Giving Me Life

1. The band Swans 2. Bill Evans playing piano 3. My Criterion Collection Streaming subscription 4. Avocados with Secret Aardvark hot sauce and cashews 5. The book Morning Star, by Karl Knausgaard 6. Lots and lots of Diet Coke