Monday, October 19, 2020


 Is there any religion with an equivalent to the Human Resources Department? Let me know and I’ll convert. I need to file a complaint.

Bacon Grease

 I left a frying pan full of bacon grease on the stove top to cool, with the intention of scooping it out and throwing it away in the morning. Unfortunately, my dog, who is a tall person, managed to take the pan off the oven last night and eat all of the grease. Even though I had to spend the first part of the morning cleaning up the Goopy, Lovecraftian shit that resulted in, I still expect this to be a good day. Nice try, Satan.

Friday, October 9, 2020

My 9 Year Old Has A Plan

My 9 year old, gesturing towards the glove box in my car, which he just opened: ‘Daddy, if we ever needed to rush a baby hedgehog to the hospital, I would put him in here with a bunch of bedding. We’d just go. Pedal to the metal’.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Last Night’s Debate

 As someone who is to the left of Chairman Mao, I am not a fan of either of the two major parties in America. They’re both neoliberal, right-wing imperialist parties, and the presidential race is largely a battle between which ticket gets to manage our declining empire. I said previously that I will vote for Biden/Harris largely to model citizenship to my children, and because I am an anti-fascist. I haven’t been excited about Biden/Harris, but I do have to say I appreciated Kamala Harris’s performance in last night’s debate. All of these debates are largely substance free and aimed at low information voters, but her presentation was statesmanlike and humane. And Mike Pence, of course, is a fucking pig. I feel more comfortable with Biden because she is incrementally better, and will no doubt have a big role in his administration.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Great Men

 The myth of The Great Man is so toxic to American males. There are no great men. These are idols that have had their humanity removed. There are good men though, and we can be good men. Primarily by understanding ourselves, being honest about our wounds, allowing ourselves to heal and be what we are, and being present for other men as they do the same. We can model these things for our young people so they’re not caught up in the same pursuit of a false identity that we have been caught up in. Cycles can be broken.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Will You Help Us?

 I’m starting a new movement called NMAP. It stands for ‘No More Acronyms Please’. That shit is hard to remember.