Sunday, December 31, 2023

Oh Shit, Here Comes 2024.

Things don’t always go the way I hope they will, but I inevitably learn and grow because of the way things do go. I am grateful for what I have, and what I have is all I want. I am open to this new year.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thoughts of Allende

My first thought this morning on discovering the demonic force that was Henry Kissinger has been (finally) removed from this Earth was a sense of the inevitability of justice. This thought led to thoughts of Salvador Allende’s final speech to his people as the Kissinger / Nixon backed Pinochet forces closed in on him in Chile: "Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Keep in mind that, much sooner than later, the great avenues will again be opened through which will pass free men to construct a better society. Long live Chile!” What Allende said is true. All struggling and oppressed people the world over should take this message to heart. It is perhaps best summarized by the famous MLK quote “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”. For Kissinger (who lived to 100) and aspiring Kissingers the world around, take heed of these old song lyrics: ‘You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time, but sooner or later God will cut you down”.

Friday, October 6, 2023


I entered the age range I had previously regarded as ‘adult’, and realized I didn’t know shit. I realized all the people I thought knew shit also didn’t know shit. I saw all of the varieties of blinders and fancies people utilized to protect them from realizing they didn’t know shit, and it horrified me. I am well on into the years of adulthood, and the only shit I know is small, and hard won. It cost me to get what little shit I have found. I am no longer horrified to realize the small amount of shit we collectively or individually know, but am grateful that I still have a little bit of time to add some shit to the pile.

Monday, June 5, 2023

The Story of My Life

I am in love with life, and am entranced by the narrative of my story. I Hope at the end of my story it turns out I was a good guy. I hope I get a clean, happy ending! I hope the same for several other characters in my story. I adore so many of them! May I remember to feel ecstasy over the beauty and joy I swim in every day until the very last sentence has been written.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

My Advice To You

I am 42 years old. Based upon all of my experiences and learnings so far, this is the best advice I can give: Fall in Love and protect it. Protect that love. You have found a fire that looks like God to you: Catch on fire and stay lit. Spread your fire. Spread your love. There are all kinds of winds and waters that seek to put your love out. Grow the flame so it evaporates the water. Use the wind to spread the gospel of your love. Fall in love. Be on fire. Spread the fire. Stay lit. That is my advice.

Sunday, April 30, 2023


I appreciate the symmetry of teaching your kid to ride a bike not too long after welcoming them into the world and teaching them how to drive a car not too long before they go out to explore the world on their own. It is poetic.

Thursday, April 13, 2023


At a certain point it seems like people who rescue a dog should stop referring to them as ‘my rescue dog’. Like, at a certain point shouldn’t it just be ’my dog’? If it’s been ‘my rescue dog’ for several years, it either seems like you’re still milking your good act for some kind of clout, or you’re low key threatening your dog not to get out of line: ‘I rescued you, bitch! Don’t forget it!’

Thursday, April 6, 2023


My neighbor has a sign that reads ‘BEWARE OF THE DOG’, but he has two dogs. My question is, which one of these motherfuckers can’t I trust?

Thursday, March 30, 2023

To Be A Gentleman.

“A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn’t”. - Tom Waits This is the only definition for the designation of gentleman that I accept. Also, I am not a gentleman. I can’t play the accordion, but if I could, I would play it constantly and at every opportunity.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


No matter how bad or weird a mood I’m in, I’m always grateful when someone peels an Orange in my close vacinity. It smells like a deep and calming breath. It smells like life. It’s like God is giving you CPR.

Friday, March 3, 2023

A Beautiful Sound

There is a sound during the prayer at mosque of all the people kneeling at the same time that sounds like thunder and rattles the walls. It gives me a chill every time I hear it. It is the most beautiful sound.