Saturday, June 22, 2024

Different Strokes

I had a little bit of a stroke after midnight on Thursday. I am ok, my face is still a little funny, my battery isn’t charging fully yet, and I have to wear a heart monitor for a month, but I’m glad it happened, and Thursday was a great day for me. I told the boys I was having a stroke and I called 911. Then I told them I loved them and if anything happened to me they should take good care of each other. I texted the woman I love to let her know what was going on, texted the boys’ mom so she would know what was happening and that the boys were safe, and then I texted my boss so he knew I wouldn’t be in to work, and let him know either I or one of my sons would keep him posted. Then I went outside and sat on the front steps of my porch and waited for the ambulance. I felt calm, and wasn’t afraid. I knew the boys would be fine and take care of each other if the worst happened, and I knew there wasn’t anything I needed to say to anyone. I am far from a saint but I try to live right, and I think the way I felt at that moment validated my general approach to life.All of the boys stayed cool. I taught them to be that way. Eliot stayed with Langston, and Lewis rode with me to the hospital and stayed with me through the night. I spent the next day surrounded by people I love and getting messages from people I love. The mood was light and joyous, and I was glad I had cut out a bunch of bad habits a few years before, because God knows it could have been worse had I not. There is nothing wrong or regrettable about having a real experience. They are actually ALL real experiences really. I am happy to be here while I am, and I definitely learned a couple things. I am saving the most important photo from that day for a different occasion, but here are some other pics. The stuffed hedgehog is something Langston bought from the hospital gift shop for me. I named him Strokey.

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