Friday, March 21, 2025

An Aside

Also, beauty has been in this world as long as ugliness, if not longer. In fact, I would say beauty underlies and informs everything. Ugliness couldn't exist if beauty didn't first exist. Ugliness is a rebellion against beauty.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Guys, I flew too close to the sun. I always wanted a pair of white pants but never bought a pair because of the obvious risks. A few months ago I was like YOLO and went for it. What a beautiful couple of months! Today when I was working on the printer at the office, this happened. All I can say is cherish the time you have with your loved ones, and don’t take any moments for granted!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Some Small Advice on Living in a World That Isn’t Right

I am lucky to have sons who care about people and the condition of the world. They are very attuned to what is going on and feel anxiety over what is happening and how they can have an impact. Eliot and I have been having conversations as I leave for work in the morning and he is returning home from his third shift position, and they have been wonderful. We didn’t have much time to talk today however, so I shot him this text when I got to the office. I’m sharing it here too, just in case it is helpful to anyone: I am just one guy, so this may only apply to me and I may not even have the whole picture. I most likely do not. For what it's worth though, this is my purpose in a world that is not right: 1. Do not become hard to fight hard things. Strength and hardness are different. 2. Protect and engage in the things that make humanity beautiful: kindness, joy, art, silliness. Those are the real enemies of fascism. 3. Cultivate Joy and Hope in yourself and share it with those around you. Joy and hope are not things that you run out of. Unlike other things, the more you give them to others, the more they increase in you. I hope that is helpful.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Eastgate, January 3 2025

The good thing about the sky is it can be seen anywhere by anyone at anytime. All you have to do is look up. No economic class, race, gender or nationality has a view better than anyone else.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Make It Happen

I’m at the Rollarena watching Langston skate—and his skills have increased significantly—but there is a guy here maybe 10 years younger than me trying to learn how to skate and he keeps falling and laughing and his friends are watching him and laughing, but he keeps getting up and going for it and it is honestly inspiring. I would upload a video of him, but I don’t want to make him self-conscious if he catches me recording. He’s a pimp though.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Mercy Mercy Mercy!

This is one of my favorite songs of all time because of this performance. It’s a great song on its own, but this live version—where the crowd’s reaction is as important as the music itself—makes it a near religious experience on vibes alone. If you haven’t heard it yet, please accept my recommendation.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


I wish all the holy books in the world were written in musical notes. That way, no one could misunderstand the gospel when it was preached.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


Sitting at the international airport surrounded by families speaking all different kinds of languages, laughing and conversing with each other. I love it. The world is full of beauty.

Friday, November 29, 2024

The Top 10 Movies of All Time

Top 10 Movies You really only know what movies resonate the most with your true soul after you have done some serious introspection and lived a handful of decades. At the age of 43, I am confident in sharing these movies as my top 10 of all time. Not because of their artistic merit or some academic bullshit like that, but because they are true to me, they informed and reflect my experience as a human being, and I will gladly watch them from start to finish any time, and eagerly recommend them to anyone I can.You may ask yourself: why doesn't he explain why each movie he lists in his top 10 is valuable? The answer is that because they are great because od how they interact with my own life, and anyonw who knows ans loves me will see this list and--if they have seen these movies--will understand instantly why I regard them the way I do. Here are the best movies to ever enter my phenomenal field: 1. Bringing Out The Dead 2. Do The Right Thing 3. The Sisters Brothers 4. In Bruges 5. In a Lonely Place 6. Bad Lieutenant 7. The Big Chill 8. Dog Day Afternoon 9. Fanny and Alexander 10. The Godfather part 1

It Comes On Like a Fever

I felt the first stirring of it Wednesday when—for Youth Hope Month—the Lighthouse team met the Brighton Center team in the middle of the Purple People Bridge to exchange letters from youth on both sides of the river and hand off a banner that will be passed back during the second annual event next year. Then I felt it again yesterday while I was sitting around with family talking and having a good time on Thanksgiving. Just now it came to me full on as I walked into Jungle Jim’s to pick up some pork belly for dinner. People in coats were milling all around, chatting and drinking wine and beer, and Ave Maria was playing through the store sound system. It was undeniable at that moment…I have come down with a bad case of The Christmas Spirit.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

My Kid Is Putting In The Work

As I was on my way home from work, I received a text from my son asking if we could have pizza for dinner. I had to respond, ‘Sorry man, I am broke! We are going to have to do leftovers.’ But true to his chosen field of social work, he hustled up some free pizzas from Dominoes on his way home from college by utilizing the absolutely necessary social work skills of resource finding, self-advocacy, and not accepting institutionally imposed expectations. He doesn’t even have his Associate’s Degree yet, but he already has the spirit of the work. Well done.