Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Midterm Reaction

Good news from the races I cared the most about: 1. John Fetterman won, thank God. I haven’t rooted as hard for a candidate to win since Nina Turner’s last run. Also, good on Oprah for endorsing Fetterman after basically being responsible for creating Oz. Grown up shit. 2. Steve Chabot is now free to maunder through Ohio’s network of dying malls, which seems like something he’d enjoy doing. 3. It looks like Mark Kelly is going to defeat school shooter candidate Blake Masters in Arizona and Warnock is going to edge out everyone’s favorite badge-having, abortion-paying-for, CTE Sufferer Hershel Walker. Bad news: Ohio is sending our answer to Ted Cruz to the Senate. JD Vance is an annoying, phoney, epic-posting nerd with a highly punchable face. I guess at least some jobs may be generated from the adrenochrome processing factories he will definitely be bringing into the state.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

3 Observations

1. Anyone who insists on being referred to by their honorifics, or fosters a community that does it for them (Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dr. Ron Paul, General Flynn), is definitely a fruitcake, and very probably evil. 2. If something scares you, demystify it. Understanding the how and why of disturbing things in the world (and especially in yourself) allows you to overcome them. John Berryman said 'we must move in the direction of our fear'. Scooby and the Gang always end the episode removing the mask from the monster. Everyday Jihad. 3. It is always better to seek a correct understanding of things than to win an argument or reinforce an opinion. It is also easier once you dismantle that part of your ego. the flexible reed isnt snapped in the current. Not doggedly pursuing internal and external validation will also allow you to be healthier and kinder, which is way better than winning anyway.