Monday, August 9, 2010

Adventures In Daddyblogging, part 2: And Then There's This...


  1. I love George Carlin. I alway loved his take on what was going on in the world.

  2. You know I envy you so Spencer. Having young children is such a blessing. You'll always look back on this time with wonder and love. My son is twenty now and I'm so proud of him, but he doesn't want to play cowboys and indians with me anymore. Childhood is so short my friend so play every day and enjoy what is the greatest joy in life. I can tell your a great dad Spencer, remember you're making their memories too. Enjoy my friend, it's the ultimate joy. Slangevar, as we say in Scotland.

  3. Your comments mean a lot to me Steppenwolf. I appreciate that.

    Alas, I'm already getting a glimpse of the 20 year old who doesn't want to play cowboys and indians anymore: the Thomas the Train set that goes unused in my basement is testament to this progress. It's getting harder and harder to peel the oldest one away from Starcraft 2 to kick the soccer ball around or put together legos. I guess I'll have to grow up with them.

  4. My son was hooked on the soccer game FIFA 98. One week when he was at his mother's I played until my thumbs were swollen. When he got home I beat him 8-0 and he had Brazil! It backfired though, he refused to play me again. Getting beat by your dad is just to much of a humiliation. Still we make a point of spending time together at football matches, gigs and movies. You got lots to look forward to still. I still want to play cowboys and indians though!

  5. That guy's the blueprint there. Funny as all hell.
