Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Fundamentalism and Happiness

It doesn’t matter how much one thing seems to naturally follow another, how clear-cut causes and effects are made, or how straightforward the rules for success are made to appear by the eyes given to you by your fundamentalist faith; you will never be happy, no matter how closely you adhere to the tenets of your church, or how often you pray, or how many times you read the Bible. The reason is the eyes. The eyes your church gave you control you by making you see God where God is not. With those eyes, you learn to not look for what is true, but rather what confirms the lies of your church about your holy book. A book of truth doesn’t create the truth. It conveys the truth. Therefore you can’t prove the truth of something by saying ‘because the Bible says’. If the Bible says something is true, then you should be able to arrive at the truth in dialogue without reference to the Bible. Like the math teacher in school said, ‘Show your work!’

You will never be happy deforming your body and soul in attempt to conform to the doctrines and values your eyes have been trained to seek out, because they aren’t of God, and they aren’t even human. They are constructed to maintain power for certain people and oppress others.

You have been given lying eyes, and you need to pluck them out and replace them with your own eyes.

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