Monday, February 25, 2019

True Greatness

"The errors of great men are more fruitful than the truths of little men." - Nietzsche

In our capitalism-ridden culture, we tend to mistake greatness with economic viability. In truth, many of the greatest among us are impoverished, and most of the leeches of society are living off of inheritance and privilege. Greatness is of the spirit. Little people are cultural sheep, content to live by the dictates of their societies and religions. They are conventional. They are boring. Great people transcend their cultural setting and historical moment in their spirit. Spirit is everything. Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Henry Ford... They weren't great men. They were savages with spears acting on their basest animal instincts. Their progeny are even less great. The great person is most often not one known by history, but probably someone you know personally. They probably frustrate and confuse the sheep amongst us. They will definitely make the sheep uncomfortable, and they should: Wolves always make sheep uncomfortable.