Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Police Are Rioting

Has anyone else ever wondered how they decide which ‘cool cop’ videos they have stored up to roll out whenever some police officer somewhere does something horrible? I have to guess it depends on the national response. People mad online? Here’s a video of a cop taking time to tie an Ethiopian boy’s shoes on the subway. People taking over police precincts and burning things down? Holy shit, pull out the classic ‘cop pulls kid over and is amazed when he finds out kid can juggle’. 

The bottom line is, if you are of the people, and you see the people rising up, make sure not to participate in the dampening of that righteous fire by spreading ‘good cop’ propaganda. They have guns and power. They don’t need you to advocate for them, or to muddy the water. There really is no middle ground.

* Also, here’s a social media challenge: keep in mind how many woke white liberals were talking about police reform right after George Floyd’s death. Remember the reforms and abolitions they either directly supported or co-signed while that was the hot story. Notice how nothing changed. Keep talking about the issue. Notice the white liberal silence. Then remember what taking over a police precinct in Minneapolis, and then in Seattle, actually accomplished. They don’t count votes, but they do notice when their shit gets caught on fire.

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