Monday, March 15, 2010

Harlan Ellison: Dreams With Sharp Teeth

add this movie to your netflix queue right now:

Harlan Ellison: Dreams With Sharp Teeth

It's fantastic, and worth your time. You'll thank me.



  1. Why does he hold back how he really feels.

  2. They cropped off the best part of that scene at the end where he gets a little reflective about his near constant state of agitation with everything.

    Ellison is a really good writer, even if he's a crank in many ways. I think you get a better picture of him as a man from the film. I probably should've put this excerpt up:

  3. Oh don't get me wrong Spence. He made me laugh. He's sci-fi, right? Never read anything by him since that's not exactly my genre, but I've heard the name.

  4. Yeah, he's primarily sci-fi, although he has written some good essays. I like him, even though I'm pretty sure I would count as one of those 'amateurs who make it hard on the professionals' that he's complaining about in the clip; especially since I've been writing for the public for free to very little for about ten years now.

    Not that that makes me some kind of literary saint (look at the ads on the sidebar). I'm all for getting paid for writing. I'm just not very hungry about chasing the money around.
