Tuesday, March 20, 2018

History Class

Talking to my son about the history program at his school. Of course, he has a more expansive view than the curriculum suggests, but here are the common themes:

1. Iconic white people of European descent.
2. Famous battles fought by iconic white people of European descent.
3. Historical tragedies that impacted white people of European descent.
4. Wasn’t it nice that we didn’t kill Martin Luther King Jr until he was finished saying his most quotable lines?
5. Wasn’t it nice that—under pressure from a restless underclass—that eventually we gave non-white Americans the opportunity to buy into the same opiate of capitalist-consumerism that white people have been able to opt into for much longer?
6. When it comes to non-white people within the U.S., and non-European countries, here are A.) the times we (white) interceded and saved non-white people within the country and B.) ‘Maybe you have never heard of this overwhelmingly non-white country before, but we (white people) dropped a lot of bombs there, and stopped communism.

Signs and wonders.

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