Tuesday, February 3, 2009


According to The Telegraph, Scientists from Conservation International recently discovered ten new species of amphibians in Colombia. Thank you Colombia, for Bandeja Paisa, good coffee, Shakira's hips, and now, this neat discovery. I can't wait to see what you offer the world next.


  1. Sorry to rain on your parade, but Colombia also gave the world FARC, increased political kidnappings, and flooded our country with illegal drugs. Sooo....

  2. Oh, G. Such a party pooper.

    Well, I'll have to give you FARC, but I think we can safely collapse both that terrorist organization and the political kidnappings together as symptoms of one similar problem.

    Regarding the drugs, I'd have to argue that there wouldn't be a market for those drugs if Americans didn't want them, so I fail to see how certain Colombians producing a highly demanded product for an eager and willing market is Colombia's problem.

    Incidentally, if we had more sensible drug policies in this country, the Colombian government probably wouldn't have nearly as many problems with groups FARC, and practices like political kidnapping. Butterflies in China, right?

  3. All the so-called problems that Gbiz complains about could be solved with one word "Legalization." Shake, shake, and shake it some more Shakira. Hot damn!

  4. Amen to all of that Lodo. If you haven't tried Bandeja Paisa already, I recommend it (pictured above). Another one of Colombia's wonderful exports. Living in New York, I'm sure it should be easy for you to get ahold of some.

  5. Spencer:
    We've been watching the weather coverage at ONN and see that you all are getting hit with another winter storm. It's not supposed to hit here this time.

    You all stay warm!

  6. Lodo & Spencer: unfortunately, legalizing drugs (which I support in some cases) wont defund farc. theyre a politically motivated terrorist organization (leftist/marxist) and are interested in political power not drug policy. google them if you question me.

    other than that im all on board with what you are saying.

  7. Wow. The comments for this post have become alot deeper than I anticipated. Thanks Gbiz: I'm going to have to delve into South American politics and history deeper than I had planned (or even wanted to). It will probably be good for me.

    I don't know a lot about FARC, but I have an impression of South America (rightly or wrongly) that it is a place ripe for revolutionary activity. I would guess that you're right in saying that legalizing drugs wouldn't remove that particular problem totally, but I'm not sure the issue of marxist revolutionary groups is what Lodo & I had in mind. We were talking more about the 'flooding the country with illegal drugs' aspect of your comments.

    I'll do some research G, and we'll talk more. Why is a group like FARC able to operate and flourish in a place like Colombia, and not in a place like the U.S. or Canada? Is it the weather? We'll find out.

    Thanks for reading, and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  8. sorry if I ruined the ambience you were going for. Youre a good discussion partner because your default mode isnt to be defensive. I look forward to debating S.American politics w/you. Well both probably drown in the process!
