Sunday, March 1, 2009

They Will Scream When They See What We Have Done

by me. I'm really fond of this poem. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

And please be sure to read everything else over at Sir!. The art for this issue is beautiful, and the content is solid. I'm extremely sympathetic to the aesthetic that (I think) Brian Foley is going for. Here's to issues 3,4,5...etc.

If you enoy the art for this issue as much as I do, go check out E.B. Goodale's website. Many lovely things to be seen.

This is the song that plays every time I walk into a room:


  1. Great work. Very surreal. You can feel the explosion at the end coming (your poem, not Kings Of Leon).

  2. Your poem is not very good. Nobody's going to scream or care about it at all. Double spacing between lines doesn't add to the pathos. Also, the thing about the omelettes is dumb, and mentioning Epictetus doesn't make you smart. These are all tricks to hide the basic confusion as to what the piece is about or why it was written, and only proves the writer was bored and had some empty time on his hands.

  3. Mather: lol. Thanks for reading my stuff, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. One of the great things about art is that if an artist's work isn't pleasing to the audience, that audience is free to create something better, and more to their liking.

    Now, go make something beautiful.
