Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Economy

Fuck the stock market. I hope it crashes completely.

Donald Trump and Republicans (and Corporate Democrats) point to it as indicator of how well our overall economy is going, but most Americans aren’t invested in it in any significant way, if at all. The real indicators of how the American population is doing is related to quality of work, overall debt, ability to afford necessary expenses, and deaths and medical issues of despair, i.e., suicide and addiction. These numbers paint a much grimmer picture of the overall well-being of our population. ‘The Economy’ doesn’t just boil down to the high stakes poker game the wealthier among us are playing in the stock market. It’s time for us to flip the poker table over once and for all, and stop pretending it means anything substantial.

“Despite the fact that almost half of all households owned stock shares either directly or indirectly through mutual funds, trusts, or various pension accounts, the richest 10% of households controlled 84% of the total value of these stocks in 2016.” *

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